The Richland County Assessor’s Office has completed its 2019 countywide reassessment and anticipates mailing out reassessment notices at the end of the month.
In accordance with state law, a reassessment is conducted every five years to ensure all real property is valued fairly. Richland County has 173,700 parcels of real property and only properties that had an increase in value of $1,000 or more will receive a reassessment notice.
While the taxable value is the basis for the real property tax bill, the assessment and taxes will not be calculated until October, when County Council sets the millage rate. In the meantime, residents can visit the County Assessor’s Property Tax Estimate Screen, which will allow them to estimate their real property taxes based on the 2019 taxable value and the 2018 millage rate.
Richland County reassessment notices go out soon