Letter to Editor 

Six months ago I noticed water flowing from the ground at the intersection of Superior and S Holly streets.  

As a good citizen, I took time out to contact the Water department. After calling the City of Columbus water department and enduring never-ending automated messages to log in to their website for faster service, I logged into their website and very specifically reported the water problem.  Soon after, I received a confirmation email that my message had been properly received and a work order was in process.  

After six weeks with no remedy, I again reported that water was continuing to flow freely from the ground a few feet behind the stop sign as originally reported. 

No further communications have occurred and the problem still exists.  Water bills are expensive. Of course, the city pays for all their water spending our hard-earned tax monies so why should they care?

Perhaps we should change their motto from “Famously Hot” to “Famously Wasteful”. 

John J Mitchell III

Appraiser/ Broker 
