Richland County Council is accepting applications for openings on more than a dozen volunteer boards.
Currently, 18 Richland County boards, commissions, committees and advisory councils have at least one vacancy. Council will accept applications until 5 pm June 3, with appointments tentatively beginning June 7.
Those interested in learning more about the volunteer boards with openings are encouraged to visit the County’s website:, or speak with their Council district representative.
To download an application for an open position, visit, click on the “Government” tab, then click the appropriate Richland County entity to find the link. After completing the application, submit it as an email attachment.
Applications can also be submitted by mail, fax or email:
• Mail: 2020 Hampton St., Administration Building, Suite 4069, Columbia, SC 29204
• Mail: P.O. Box 192, Columbia, SC 29202
• Fax: 803-576-2136
• Email:
For more information, contact the Richland County Clerk to Council Office at 803-576-2060 or email
1. Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee – seven vacancies (two applicants must have a background in the lodging industry, three applicants must have a background in the hospitality industry, one applicant must have a cultural background and one applicant will fill an at-large seat)
2. Airport Commission – one vacancy
3. Board of Assessment Appeals – one vacancy
4. Board of Zoning Appeals – six vacancies
5. Building Codes Board of Appeals – nine vacancies (one applicant must be from the architecture industry, one from the gas industry, one from the building industry, one from the contracting industry, one from the plumbing industry, one from the electrical industry, one from the engineering industry and two from fire industry as alternates)
6. Business Service Center Appeals Board – four vacancies (one applicant must be from the business industry, one applicant must be an attorney and two applicants must be CPAs)
7. Central Midlands Council of Governments – one vacancy
8. Community Relations Council – one vacancy
9. Employee Grievance Committee – two vacancies (must be a Richland County employee; two seats are alternates)
10. Hospitality Tax Advisory Committee – two vacancies (one applicant must be from the restaurant industry)
11. Internal Audit Committee – two vacancies (applicant with CPA preferred)
12. Lexington Richland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council (LRADAC) – two vacancies
13. Music Festival Commission – one vacancy
14. Planning Commission – three vacancies
15. Richland Library Board of Trustees – six vacancies
16. Richland Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees – three vacancies
17. Township Auditorium – two vacancies
18. Transportation Penny Advisory Committee (TPAC) – three vacancies