Columbia, SC – The Columbia Parks & Recreation Department is moving forward with the Mays Park Revitalization project, reflecting extensive community input gathered through an online survey and a community meeting. The survey, conducted via Survey Monkey on January 12, 2022, received 185 responses. Additionally, a community meeting held on November 3, 2022, at Kilbourne Park Baptist Church allowed participants to discuss and vote on their preferred park features.

The schematic design was shared with the community on December 19, 2022, for review. Based on feedback, the design was revised to exclude a parking lot behind the park pavilion, expand the trail around the entire park, and include a landscape buffer around the residential property at Saramont Road and Trenholm Road. Construction is estimated to take 6-8 months once it begins.

Proposed Scope of the Project:

Tree Removal and Preservation:

  • The revised plan reduces selective tree removal to 25 trees (21 pines and 4 oaks).
  • Efforts to save more trees include slightly reducing the community green space and incorporating natural islands for the pines.
  • Out of 97 trees, 74 will remain, adhering to the City of Columbia Landscape and Tree Ordinance 17-5.3.

Other Key Components:

  • Selective demolition and erosion control.
  • Installation of a rain garden to capture and treat stormwater.
  • Landscaping improvements with new trees, native plantings, and a buffer along neighboring residential properties.
  • Site amenities, grading for accessibility, and the addition of stone veneer retaining walls and steps.
  • Conversion of stormwater structures to surface-grade catch basins for safer green space.
  • Accessible walking paths connecting park elements, avoiding major trees where possible.
  • A central sodded green space framed by new playground components and a splash pad.
  • Relocation of the basketball area to the park’s interior, forming a basketball tree.
  • Removal of overhead wiring and dominion poles.
  • Conversion of one tennis court into a multiuse pickleball/tennis court.

The Mays Park Revitalization project aims to create an inclusive, green, and accessible park space for the community, blending natural beauty with recreational amenities.

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