On September 14, cadets from the Bengal Battalion (Blythewood) and Blazer Battalion (Ridge View) JROTC programs lent their support to American Legion Post 182 by assisting with their parking project on Shop Road.

American Legion Post 182, a local nonprofit in Northeast Columbia, consists of retired and active-duty veterans. To help fulfill its mission of supporting veteran causes and promoting patriotism, the post runs a parking service during all University of South Carolina home games at 1144 Shop Road.

Eight Blythewood JROTC cadets and two Ridge View JROTC cadets earned community service hours for their assistance. The funds raised through this effort go toward supporting veterans at the C.M. Tucker Veterans Center, The Big Red Barn, the Salvation Army, the Wounded Warrior Program, and other veteran-related organizations.

Post 182 holds its meetings on the first Tuesday of every month, and veterans interested in joining can contact the post at amlpost0182@gmail.com.